Saturday 28 September 2013

Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys

Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys

Alt key shortcut

Alt + P, SP   :  Page setup

Alt + N, T I  :  Insert table 

Alt + N, NU :  Insert page number

Alt + I,S       :  Insert symbol

Alt + O, B    :  Border and Shading

Alt + O,N     :  Bullets And numbering

Alt + F,V      :  Page preview

Alt + A,O     :  Open formula

Alt + V,H     :  Header and Footer

Alt + I,O      :  Open object

Alt + O,P     :  Open Paragraph

Alt + T,O      :  Open word option

Alt + N,M     :  Open smartArt graphic

Alt + N,V      :  Open Cover page

Alt + N,C      :  Open chart

Alt + A,S       :  Sort text

Alt + S,F       :  Insert foot note

Alt + S,G       :  Open table of figure

Alt+S,T         :   Table of content

Ctrl key shortcut

Cltr + P       :  Print

Cltr + F       :  Find

Cltr + G       :   Find page number

Cltr + H       :   Find & replace

Cltr + A       :   Select All

Cltr + S       :  Save

Cltr + D      :  Font size and style

Cltr + J       :  Justify text (select)

Cltr + E      :  Center alignment (select)

Cltr + R      :  Right alignment (select)

Cltr + L      :  Left alignment (select)

Cltr + K     :  Insert hyperlink

Cltr + C     :  Copy (select)

Cltr + V     :  Paste

Cltr + B     :  Bold (select)

Cltr + N     :  New window

Cltr + W    :  Close the window

Cltr + T     :  Left indent

Cltr + U    : Underline (select)

Cltr + I     : Italic (select)

Cltr + O   :  Open file

Cltr + 1    :  Single line spacing

Cltr + 5    :  1.5 line spacing

Cltr + 2    :  Double line spacing

Shift key shortcut

Shift + F1    :  Reveal formatting

Shift + F3    :  Capitalize selected text

Shift + F10  :  Open side menu (select text)

Shift + F12  :  Save as

Alt+Shift key shortcut

Alt+Shift+D  :  Insert Date

Alt+Shift+T   :  Insert Time

Ctlr+Shift key shortcut

Cltr+Shift + A  : Capitalized

Cltr+Shift + S  :  Apply styles

Cltr+Shift + F :  Font style

Cltr+Shift + G :  Word count

Cltr+Shift + K  :  Lower and upper (select text)

Cltr+Shift + L  :  Apply bullets

Cltr+Shift + P :   Font, style & size

Cltr+Shift +     :  Superscript (select text)

Cltr +               :  Subscript (select text)


 F1       :   Word help

F5        :   Go to page
F12      :   Saved file location

See this video for more detail..... please comments, share & subscribe   

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