What is Ebola virus?
Ebola is a disease of humans and other primates caused by an ebolavirus. Symptoms start two days to three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches.
How Ebola Virus Spread
- Broken skin, or mucous membranes with the blood
- Secretions, organs or other bodily fluids,
- Infected people, and indirect contact, with environments contaminated, with such fluids.,
- Burial ceremonies in which, mourners have direct contact, with the body of the deceased person.
Signs, and symptoms, of Ebola virus,
- Sudden onset of fever
- Intense weakness
- Muscle pain
- Headache, and sore throat
- This is followed by, vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney, and liver function, and in some cases, both internal, and external bleeding.
Treatment of Ebola virus
- No licensed vaccine, for Ebola is available, Several vaccines are being tested, but none are available, for clinical use.
- Severely ill patients, require intensive supportive care., Patients are frequently dehydrated, and require, oral rehydration, with solutions containing electrolytes, or intravenous fluids.
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