Friday 6 February 2015

How to Change Small letter to Capital letter in MS Excel (Upper Case/Lower Case)

How to Change Small letter to Capital letter in MS Excel (Upper Case/Lower Case) There is not straight forward way to change lower to upper case in Microsoft excel compare to Microsoft word.  In Microsoft word we easily convert lower to upper and upper lower case of text.  But in excel you have to create a simple formula.  So here I will show you how to make lower case to upper case, upper case to lower and proper case in Microsoft excel.  This formula will work in all version of Microsoft Excel like, excel 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013….

How to make small letter to capital letter
1.     Insert a new column next to the text which you want to convert.
2.     Type “=upper(select column for ex. A)” and press “Enter”
How to Change Small letter to Capital letter in MS Excel (Upper Case/Lower Case)

3.     To apply all columns hold and drag
4.    Now select and copy converted upper case column and click on “Paste” click “Paste Special” select “Values” and “Ok”
How to Change Small letter to Capital letter in MS Excel (Upper Case/Lower Case)

5.     Keep course in your original column and press “Enter” and now you can delete the previous upper case column. (watch below video tutorial…)

How to Make Capital letter to Small letter
1.     Insert a new column next to the text which you want to convert.
2.    Type “=lower(select column for ex. A)” and press “Enter”
3.    To apply all columns hold and drag
4.     Now select and copy converted lower case column and click on “Paste” click “Paste Special” select “Values” and “Ok”
5.    Keep course in your original column and press “Enter” and now you can delete the previous lower case column. (watch below video tutorial…)

The same method will work for “proper case” just change in “=proper(select column for ex. A)

Watch video tutorial…. Please like, share and subscribe