Sticky notes is an inbuilt tool in windows 7, you can easily write your notes and daily task right to the desktop. The best thing is you don’t need to making save files, you can add multiple sticky notes on your desktop without doing any extra things.. Here is how to use and some shortcut keys.
How to use sticky notes
1. Click on start button and type “sticky notes” click to open.
2. Type your notes and reminder, click on “+” to add new sticky note, to change color right lick on notes.
Shortcut key for sticky notes
CTRL + SHIFT + > Increase Font Size
CTRL + SHIFT + < Decrease Font Size
CTRL + A Select All
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Paste
CTRL + Z Undo
CTRL + Y Redo
CTRL + L Left Alignment
CTRL + E Center Alignment
CTRL + R Right Alignment
CTRL + B Bold
CTRL + I Italic
CTRL + U Underline
CTRL + T Strike Through
CTRL + SHIFT + L (1 Time) Bullet List (●, ●, ●)
CTRL + SHIFT + L (2 Times) Numbered List (1, 2, 3)
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