Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to make Facebook Thanks Video for your Beloved

How to make Facebook Thanks Video for your Beloved,how to make say thanks video in facebook,make video for girlfriend,make video for boyfriend,make facebook for your friend,facebook video say thanks,how to make video in facebook friend,make video for friends,make video for family,thanks giving video,create video in facebook,friends video,thanks video,create thanks video,/thanks,facebook say thanks video,say thanks,facebook thanks video,auto video create       Facebook added a new feature that is “say thanks” this feature allows you to make a thanks giving video for your friends and family, you don’t need to do any hard work, just select your friends and photo and facebook will automatically create a beautiful video for you, after this you can share this video with your friends and family, lets see how to do this.

1.    Sign facebook, in the address just add “facebook.com/thanks and hit enter.
How to make Facebook Thanks Video for your Beloved,how to make say thanks video in facebook,make video for girlfriend,make video for boyfriend,make facebook for your friend,facebook video say thanks,how to make video in facebook friend,make video for friends,make video for family,thanks giving video,create video in facebook,friends video,thanks video,create thanks video,/thanks,facebook say thanks video,say thanks,facebook thanks video,auto video create

2.    Select your beloved friends, video will automatically create, click on play to see how its look like, if you want you can add more photo, after this click on “Share video” to share this video with your friends and family.

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